; :MKCHORDBYSTEP // 1-based (= tonic)
; Returns a chord based on steps of a scale. Eg (:mkchordbystep 60 '(1 3 5) 'ionian ) ; => tonic chord ie (60 64 67)
; Optional args are: relative pitch (default: none)
; To determine the scale, accepts either a scale/mode (defaults ionian) or a M/m symbol.
; When a relative pitch is passed, the steps calculation begins from that pitch (if it exists in the scale)
; Examples:
; (:mkchordbystep c4 '(1 3) 'M ) ; => (60 64)
; (:mkchordbystep 60 '(1 3 7) 'ionian ) ; => (60 64 71)
; (:mkchordbystep 60 '(1 3 7) 'ionian 62) ; => (62 65 72) / start from D, in C Major
; (:mkchordbystep 60 '(1 3 7) 'ionian 73) ; => (74 77 84) / quantize 73 to 74 cause it's not in scale
; See also
; (pc:melody-by-step 60 '(0 2) '(0 4 7)) ;=>'(60 60 67)
(define :mkchordbystep
(lambda (seed steps scale . args)
; (println args)
(cond ((null? args) ;; default
(takel steps (:mkscale seed scale *default_scale_len* )))
((length-equal? args 1)
;; 1 arg: relative pitch
;; EG in C-major, D => starting from D, take 1, 3, 5
(let ((sc (:mkscale seed scale *default_scale_len* )))
; (println (list-split-from (cadr args) sc))
(if (member (car args) sc)
(takel steps (list-split-from (car args) sc))
(log-info "Error: Pitch not in scale. Quantizing..")
(takel steps (list-split-from (mkquant (car args) sc) sc)))
(else (print 'Error: 'arguments 'could 'not 'be 'resolved.))