bind-val   macro

Defined in:


;; bind-val takes an optional argument, the meaning of which depends
;; on the type of the val, and also an optional docstring
(define-macro (bind-val symbol type . args)
  (let* ((string-literal? (and (equal? 'i8* type)
                               (not (null? args))
                               (string? (car args))))
         (value (if string-literal?
                    (car args)
                    (if (not (or (null? args) (string? (car args))))
                        (car args)
         (docstring (if (or (null? args)
                            (not (string? (car (reverse args))))
                            (and string-literal? (= (length args) 1)))
                        (car (reverse args))))
         (t (impc:ir:get-type-from-pretty-str (atom->string type)))
         (oldt (impc:ti:get-globalvar-type (symbol->string symbol))))
    ;; this next line looks superflous but isn't!
    ;; 't' maybe a %blah_poly_Hldkfjs* etc. that is not
    ;; yet "constructed". calling get-type-from-pretty-str
    ;; will construct it if it doesn't yet exist
    (if (string? t) (impc:ir:get-type-from-pretty-str t))
    (cond (oldt
           `(impc:compiler:print-already-bound-error ',symbol ,(impc:ir:pretty-print-type (impc:ir:pointer-- oldt))))
          ;; string literal
              (llvm:compile-ir (string-append "@" ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                              " = dllexport global i8* zeroinitializer"))
              ;; we should really take the globalvar out of the cache
              ;; if the previous steps failed
              (impc:ti:register-new-globalvar ,(symbol->string symbol) ',t ,docstring)
              (impc:aot:insert-globalvar-binding-details *impc:aot:current-lib-name*
                                                         ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                         ,(symbol->string type)
               (call-as-xtlang (set! ,symbol ,value) void))
              (impc:compiler:print-binding-details-to-log "SetValue:"
                                                          ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                          ,(impc:ir:pretty-print-type t))))
          ;; non-pointer values
          ((and (or (impc:ir:number? t)
                    (impc:ir:boolean? t)
                    (not (impc:ir:pointer? t))))
              (llvm:compile-ir (string-append "@" ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                              " = dllexport global "
                                              ,(impc:ir:get-type-str t) " "
                                              ,(if (number? value)
                                                   ;; can we serialise the value straight into the
                                                   ;;  IR? (e.g. i32/i64/float/double)
                                                   (if (equal? t *impc:ir:fp32*)
                                                       (llvm:convert-float (atom->string value))
                                                       (atom->string value))
                                                   ;; otherwise use zeroinitializer and we'll just use a
                                                   ;; set! inside a call-as-xtlang a bit further down
              (impc:ti:register-new-globalvar ,(symbol->string symbol) ',t ,docstring)
              (impc:aot:insert-globalvar-binding-details *impc:aot:current-lib-name*
                                                         ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                         ,(symbol->string type)
              ;; set value for non int/float literals
              ,(if (and value (not (number? value)))
                     (call-as-xtlang (set! ,symbol (convert ,value ,type)) void)))
              ;; we should really take the globalvar out of the
              ;; cache if any of the previous steps failed
              (impc:compiler:print-binding-details-to-log "SetValue:"
                                                          ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                          ,(impc:ir:pretty-print-type t))))
          ;; pointer
          ((impc:ir:pointer? t)
           (if (or (not value) (integer? value))
                  (llvm:compile-ir (string-append "@" ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                  " = dllexport global "
                                                  ,(impc:ir:get-type-str t)
                                                  " zeroinitializer"))
                  (impc:ti:register-new-globalvar ,(symbol->string symbol) ',t ,docstring)
                  (impc:aot:insert-globalvar-binding-details *impc:aot:current-lib-name*
                                                             ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                             ,(symbol->string type)
                   (call-as-xtlang (set! ,symbol (cast (malloc ,(* (or value 1)
                                                                   (if (impc:ir:number? t)
                                                                       (impc:ir:get-type-size t)
                                                                       (/ (sys:pointer-size) 8))))
                  ;; we should really take the globalvar out of the cache
                  ;; if the previous steps failed
                  (impc:compiler:print-binding-details-to-log "SetValue:"
                                                              ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                              ,(impc:ir:pretty-print-type t)))
               (if (list? value)
                      (llvm:compile-ir (string-append "@" ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                      " = dllexport global "
                                                      ,(impc:ir:get-type-str t)
                      (impc:ti:register-new-globalvar ,(symbol->string symbol) ',t ,docstring)
                      (impc:aot:insert-globalvar-binding-details *impc:aot:current-lib-name*
                                                                 ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                                 ,(symbol->string type)
                       (call-as-xtlang (set! ,symbol ,value) void))
                      ;; we should really take the globalvar out of the cache
                      ;; if the previous steps failed
                      (impc:compiler:print-binding-details-to-log "SetValue:"
                                                                  ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                                  ,(impc:ir:pretty-print-type t)))
                   `(impc:compiler:print-compiler-error "when binding global pointers, third argument should be size of buffer to allocate or a valid xtlang sexpr"))))
          ;; tuple/array/vector
          ((or (impc:ir:tuple? t) (impc:ir:array? t) (impc:ir:vector? t))
                "@" ,(symbol->string symbol)
                " = dllexport global "
                ,(impc:ir:get-type-str t) " zeroinitializer"))
              (impc:ti:register-new-globalvar ,(symbol->string symbol) ',t ,docstring)
              (impc:aot:insert-globalvar-binding-details *impc:aot:current-lib-name*
                                                         ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                         ,(symbol->string type)
              ;; we should really take the globalvar out of the cache
              ;; if the previous steps failed
              (impc:compiler:print-binding-details-to-log "SetValue:"
                                                          ,(symbol->string symbol)
                                                          ,(impc:ir:pretty-print-type t))))
          (else (impc:compiler:print-missing-identifier-error type 'type)))))

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