cl:numstring   scheme

Defined in:


; Convert a floating-point number to a string of sign and at most 4 characters.
; Rounds the number so that 1.999 will come out as 2.00 , very small as 0.0 .
; numstring is written assuming that num is not too large or too small,
; i.e. num must be printable in 4 digits.
(define (cl:numstring num)
  (let* ((numc (abs num)) (sign (if (< num 0) -1 1)) (exponent 0))
    (if (< numc 1.0e-6)
      (if (< numc 1.0)
          (begin (while (< numc 100)
                (set! numc (* numc 10))
                (set! exponent (1- exponent)))
             (set! numc (* (round numc) (expt 10 exponent))) )
          (set! numc (* numc 1.0001)))
      (if (< sign 0)
          (string-append "-"
                 (substring (number->string numc) 0
                   (min 4 (string-length (number->string numc)))))
          (substring (number->string numc) 0
             (min 4 (string-length (number->string numc))))) ) ) ))

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