(bind-func dlogue_note
(lambda ()
(let ((MILLISEC (* .001 SRs))
(KIT_CONFIGS:|12,DLOGUE_PART|* (alloc)))
(default_drum (aref-ptr KIT_CONFIGS 0) 70.0) ;; kick
(default_drum (aref-ptr KIT_CONFIGS 1) 70.0) ;; kick
(default_snare (aref-ptr KIT_CONFIGS 2) 130.0) ;; snare
(default_cym (aref-ptr KIT_CONFIGS 3) 300.0) ;; closed
(default_cym (aref-ptr KIT_CONFIGS 4) 800.0) ;; open
(default_drum (aref-ptr KIT_CONFIGS 5) 120.0) ;; low tom
(default_drum (aref-ptr KIT_CONFIGS 6) 170.0) ;; mid tom
(default_drum (aref-ptr KIT_CONFIGS 7) 210.0) ;; high tom
(lambda (data:NoteData* nargs:i64 dargs:SAMPLE*)
(let ((starttime:i64 (note_starttime data))
(midifrq:SAMPLE (frq2midi (note_frequency data)))
(partnum:i64 (ftoi64 (/ midifrq 12.0)))
(config:DLOGUE_PART* (aref-ptr KIT_CONFIGS partnum))
(notetime:i64 starttime)
(frequency:SAMPLE (+ (dl_base_frq config)
(* (dl_base_frq config)
(dl_base_frq_scale config) (/ (% midifrq 12.0) 12.0))))
;; (llllll (begin (println 'part: partnum 'frq: frequency 'amp: (dl_part_amp config)) 1:i64))
(amplitude:SAMPLE (note_amplitude data))
(gate:SAMPLE (note_gate data))
(target_amp:SAMPLE amplitude)
(newampinc:SAMPLE 0.0)
(duration:i64 (note_duration data))
(new_note_timer:i64 0)
(FM_H:SAMPLE (dl_fm_h config))
(FM_I:SAMPLE (dl_fm_idx config))
(FM:i1 (if (or (> FM_H 0.0) (> FM_I 0.0)) #t #f))
(amp_env:|4,SAMPLE| (array 0.0:f (+ (dl_amp_decay config) (* (dl_amp_decay_dur config) MILLISEC (i64tof duration))) 0.0 0.0))
;; (filter_env:|4,SAMPLE| (array 0.0:f 0.0 1.0 0.0))
(pitch_env:|2,SAMPLE| (array 0.0:f (dl_pitch_decay config)))
(pitch_env_amt:SAMPLE (dl_pitch_amt config))
(oldfreq 440.0:f) ;; ??
(tune1:SAMPLE (dl_osc1_pitch config))
(tune2:SAMPLE (dl_osc2_pitch config))
(pw1:SAMPLE (dl_osc1_pw config))
(pw2:SAMPLE (dl_osc2_pw config))
(osc1_wave:enum (if (> pw1 0.0) PARAM_PULSE PARAM_SINE))
(osc2_wave:enum (if (> pw2 0.0) PARAM_PULSE PARAM_SINE))
(noise:enum PARAM_WHITE) ;; white
(noise_amp:SAMPLE (dl_noise_amp config))
(osc1_amp:SAMPLE 0.5)
(osc2_amp:SAMPLE 0.5)
(osc_phase_slop 0.01)
(osc1_phase:SAMPLE (* osc_phase_slop .1 (random)))
(osc2_phase:SAMPLE (* osc_phase_slop .1 (random)))
(filter1_type:i64 (dl_filter1_type config)) ;; NOFILTER(-1), lpf(0), band(1), high(2), notch(3), peak(4) allpass(5)
(filter2_type:i64 (dl_filter2_type config)) ;; NOFILTER(-1), lpf(0), band(1), high(2), notch(3), peak(4) allpass(5)
; (follow_frq 0.0)
; (follow_amp 0.0)
(filter1_frq:SAMPLE (+ (dl_filter1_frq config)
(* (dl_filter1_frq config)
(dl_filter1_frq_scale config) (/ (% midifrq 12.0) 12.0))))
(filter2_frq:SAMPLE (+ (dl_filter2_frq config)
(* (dl_filter2_frq config)
(dl_filter2_frq_scale config) (/ (% midifrq 12.0) 12.0))))
(filter1_res:SAMPLE (dl_filter1_res config))
(filter2_res:SAMPLE (dl_filter2_res config))
(frq 0.0)
(adsr1 (adsr_c))
;; (adsr2 (adsr_c))
(adsr3 (adsr_c))
(adsr1_val 0.0)
;; (adsr2_val 0.0)
(adsr3_val 0.0)
;; (gate:SAMPLE 1.0)
(amp:SAMPLE 0.0)
(cof:SAMPLE 0.0)
(amp_attack (aref amp_env 0))
(amp_decay (aref amp_env 1))
(amp_sustain (aref amp_env 2))
(amp_release (+ 3.0 (aref amp_env 3))) ;; a 3ms release minimum
(amp_release_samples (convert (* SRs (/ amp_release 1000.0)) i64))
(reltime:i64 0)
(pitch_attack (aref pitch_env 0))
(pitch_decay (aref pitch_env 1))
(f1 (svf_c))
(f2 (svf_c))
(f_out:|6,SAMPLE|* (alloc))
(_osc1_phase (+ osc1_phase (* osc_phase_slop .1 (random))))
(_osc2_phase (+ osc2_phase (* osc_phase_slop .1 (random))))
(sin1 (osc_c _osc1_phase))
(sin2 (osc_c _osc2_phase))
(pulse1 (blpulse_c _osc1_phase #f))
(pulse2 (blpulse_c _osc2_phase #f))
(osc1_out:SAMPLE 0.0)
(osc2_out:SAMPLE 0.0)
(zero:SAMPLE 0.0)
(white (white_c))
(pink (pink_c))
(noise_out 0.0)
(main_out 0.0:f))
(lambda (time:i64 chan:i64)
(if (= chan 0)
(set! notetime (tref data 7)) ;; look for voice steeling
;; this for voice steeling
(if (and (<> starttime notetime) (>= time notetime))
(set! amplitude (note_amplitude data)) ;; reset envelopes
(retrigger_adsr adsr1)
;; (retrigger_adsr adsr2)
(retrigger_adsr adsr3)
(set! starttime (tref data 7)) ;(note_starttime data))
(set! reltime 0)
(set! gate 1.0) ;(note_gate data))
(set! duration (note_duration data))))
;; voice steeling done
(if (and (> gate 0.5) (> (- time starttime) duration)) (set! gate 0.0))
(set! adsr1_val (adsr1 chan gate amp_attack amp_decay amp_sustain amp_release))
;; (set! adsr2_val (adsr2 chan gate filter_attack filter_decay filter_sustain filter_release))
(set! adsr3_val (adsr3 chan gate pitch_attack pitch_decay 0.0 0.0))
(set! amp (* amplitude (dl_part_amp config) adsr1_val))
(set! frq (+ frequency (* pitch_env_amt frequency adsr3_val) 0.0))
(if (< frq 10.0) (set! frq 10.0))
;; if gate is OFF and amp is sufficiently close to 0.0 then stop note!
(if (< gate 0.1) (set! reltime (+ reltime 1)))
(if (> reltime amp_release_samples)
(note_active data #f)))
(if (FM)
(begin (set! osc2_out 0.0)
(set! osc1_out
(sin1 (* (/ 5.0 (log frq)) osc1_amp)
(+ frq
(sin2 (* (* FM_H frq) FM_I)
(* FM_H frq))))))
(if (> osc1_amp 0.001)
(set! osc1_out (* osc1_amp
(cond ((= osc1_wave PARAM_SINE) (sin1 1.0 (* tune1 frq)))
((= osc1_wave PARAM_PULSE) (pulse1 1.0 (* tune1 frq) pw1))
(else zero))))
(set! osc1_out 0.0))
(if (> osc2_amp 0.001)
(set! osc2_out (* osc2_amp
(cond ((= osc2_wave PARAM_SINE) (sin2 1.0 (* tune2 frq)))
((= osc2_wave PARAM_PULSE) (pulse2 1.0 (* tune2 frq) pw1))
(else zero))))
(set! osc2_out 0.0))))
(if (> noise_amp 0.001)
(if (= noise PARAM_WHITE)
(set! noise_out (* noise_amp (white)))
(set! noise_out (* noise_amp (pink))))
(set! noise_out 0.0))
(set! main_out (+ osc1_out osc2_out noise_out))
(if (> filter1_type DL_NOFILTER)
(f1 main_out filter1_frq filter1_res f_out)
(set! main_out (aref f_out filter1_type))))
(if (> filter2_type DL_NOFILTER)
(f2 main_out filter2_frq filter2_res f_out)
(set! main_out (aref f_out filter2_type))))
(set! main_out (* amp main_out))))