(define impc:aot:compile-xtm-dll
(lambda (lib-path)
(set! *impc:compiler:aot:dll* #t)
(let ((start-time (clock:clock))
(in-file-port (or
(open-input-file (sanitize-platform-path lib-path))
(open-input-file (sanitize-platform-path (string-append (sys:share-dir) "/" lib-path))))))
(if (not in-file-port)
(begin (print-with-colors 'black 'red #t
(print "Error:"))
(print " no .xtm file at" (sanitize-platform-path lib-path) "\n"))
(let* ((res (close-port in-file-port))
(libname (sanitize-platform-path (filename-from-path lib-path)))
(libname-no-extension (string-append "xtm" (filename-strip-extension libname)))
(output-dir (sanitize-platform-path (string-append (sys:share-dir) "/libs/aot-cache")))
(aot-compilation-file-path (sanitize-platform-path (string-append output-dir "/" libname))))
(if (not (sys:load-preload-check (string->symbol libname-no-extension)))
(begin (print "AOT-compilation file not written ")
(close-port *impc:aot:current-output-port*)
(set! *impc:aot:current-output-port* #f))
;; if the preload check passes, create aot-cache dir
;; if it doesn't exist
(sys:command (string-append (unix-or-Windows "mkdir " "md ") output-dir))
;; remove old AOT file if present
(if (file-exists? aot-compilation-file-path)
(sys:command (string-append (unix-or-Windows "rm " "DEL ") aot-compilation-file-path)))
;; open output file, ready for writing
(set! *impc:aot:current-output-port* (open-output-file aot-compilation-file-path))
(set! *impc:aot:func-defs-in-mod* '())
(if (impc:aot:currently-compiling?)
(llvm:optimize #t); // should this be restored later?
;; this is the 'success' branch
(set! *impc:aot:current-lib-name* libname-no-extension)
;; (impc:aot:insert-header libname-no-extension)
(print-with-colors 'cyan 'black #t (print "Started compiling: "))
(println lib-path)
(sys:load lib-path)
(print-with-colors 'cyan 'black #t (print "Finished compiling: "))
(println lib-path)
(print-with-colors 'black 'yellow #t (print " JIT-compiling IR "))
(print "\n"))
(let ((module (impc:compiler:flush-jit-compilation-queue)))
(if (not module)
(impc:compiler:print-compiler-error "Failed compiling LLVM IR"))
(impc:aot:compile-module libname-no-extension module))
;; (impc:aot:insert-footer libname-no-extension)
(close-port *impc:aot:current-output-port*)
(set! *impc:aot:current-lib-name* "xtmdylib")
(if *impc:aot:current-output-port*
(begin (set! *impc:aot:current-output-port* #f)
(print "Successfully wrote AOT-compilation file to ")
(print-with-colors 'green 'default #f (print aot-compilation-file-path "\n\n"))
(impc:aot:print-compilation-details start-time)
(quit 0))
(begin (print-with-colors 'black 'red #t (print " Error "))
(print "\n\nsomething went wrong in writing the output file ")
(print-with-colors 'red 'faultde #t (print aot-compilation-file-path "\n"))
(quit 1))))
(begin (print-with-colors 'black 'red #t (print " Error "))
(print "\n\ncannot write AOT-compilation file at " aot-compilation-file-path "\n")
(quit 2))))))))))