impc:ir:compiler:fptrcall   scheme

Defined in:


(define impc:ir:compiler:fptrcall
  (lambda (ast types)
    (let* ((os (make-string 0))
           (fptrstr (impc:ir:compiler (cadr ast) types))
           (fptr (impc:ir:gname))
           (ftypes (impc:ir:get-type-from-str (cadr fptr)))
           (ftypestr (string-append (impc:ir:get-type-str (cadr ftypes))
                                    " (" (if (null? (cddr ftypes)) ")*"
                                             (string-append (impc:ir:get-type-str (caddr ftypes))
                                                            (apply string-append (map (lambda (v)
                                                                                        (string-append ", " (impc:ir:get-type-str v)))
                                                                                      (cdddr ftypes)))
           (args (map (lambda (a hint)
                        (cons (impc:ir:compiler a types hint) (impc:ir:gname)))
                      (cddr ast)
                      (cddr ftypes))))
      (if (<> (length args) (length (cddr ftypes)))
          (impc:compiler:print-bad-arity-error ast))
      (emit fptrstr os)
      (emit (apply string-append (map (lambda (p) (car p)) args)) os)
      (emit (impc:ir:gname "fptr" ftypestr) " = bitcast " (cadr fptr) " " (car fptr) " to " ftypestr "\n" os)
      ;; (if (= (impc:ir:get-ptr-depth ftypes) 2)
      ;;     (begin (emit (impc:ir:gname "fptr_" (string-append ftypestr "*")) " = bitcast " (cadr fptr) " " (car fptr) " to " ftypestr "*\n" os)
      ;;            (emit (impc:ir:gname "fptr" ftypestr) " = load " (impc:ir:pointer-- (cadr (impc:ir:gname "fptr_"))) ", " (cadr (impc:ir:gname "fptr_")) " " (car (impc:ir:gname "fptr_")) "\n" os))
      ;;     (if (= (impc:ir:get-ptr-depth ftypes) 1)
      ;;         (emit (impc:ir:gname "fptr" ftypestr) " = bitcast " (cadr fptr) " " (car fptr) " to " ftypestr "\n" os)
      ;;         (log-error 'Compiler 'Error: 'bad 'function 'ptr 'type 'in ast 'type: ftypestr)))
      (emit (string-append (if (impc:ir:void? (cadr ftypes))
                               (begin (impc:ir:gname "res" "void") "")
                               (string-append (impc:ir:gname "res" (impc:ir:get-type-str (cadr ftypes))) " = "))
                           "call ccc "
                           (impc:ir:get-type-str (cadr ftypes)) " " (car (impc:ir:gname "fptr")) "("
                           (apply string-append
                                  (map (lambda (p ft i)
                                         (let ((atype (cadr (cdr p)))
                                               (aname (car (cdr p))))
                                           (if (not (equal? (impc:ir:get-type-from-str atype)
                                                            ft)) ;(impc:ir:get-type-from-str ft)))
                                               (impc:compiler:print-type-mismatch-error ft atype ast))
                                           (string-append (if (> i 0) ", " "")
                                                          atype " " aname)))
                                       args (cddr ftypes) (make-list-with-proc (length args) (lambda (i) i))))
                           ")\n") os)
      (impc:ir:strip-space os))))

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