(define impc:ir:make-const-string
(lambda (ast)
(let* ((os (make-string 0))
(lgthstr1 (regex:replace-all ast "\\\\[0-9][0-9]" "x"))
(lgthstr2 (if (and *impc:aot:current-output-port* (not *impc:compiler:aot:dll*))
(regex:replace-all lgthstr1 "[\n]" "x") ;(if (string=? (sys:platform) "Windows") "xx" "x"))
(lgth (number->string (+ (string-length lgthstr2) 1))) ;; unix & windows above just used to determine string length
(strtyp (string-append "[" lgth " x i8]*"))
(strname (string-append "@gs" (if (string? *impc:compiler:global-module-name*) *impc:compiler:global-module-name* "")
(if #f ;;(< (string-length ast) 1024)
(cname-encode ast)
(number->string *impc:ir:gstrcnt*))))
(strsym '()))
(if (not (llvm:get-llvm-alias ast))
(let ((compile-str (string-append strname
(if (sys:mcjit-enabled)
(string-append " = hidden constant [" lgth " x i8] c\"")
(string-append " = private unnamed_addr constant [" lgth " x i8] c\""))
ast "\\00\"")))
(llvm:compile-ir compile-str)
(set! strsym strname)
(llvm:add-llvm-alias ast strsym)
(if #t ;; (>= (string-length ast) 1024)
(set! *impc:ir:gstrcnt* (+ *impc:ir:gstrcnt* 1))))
(set! strsym (llvm:get-llvm-alias ast)))
(emit (string-append (impc:ir:gname "var" "i8*") " = bitcast " strtyp " " strsym " to i8*\n") os)
(impc:ir:strip-space os))))