impc:ti:add-types-to-source-atom   scheme

Defined in:


;; Other utility code
(define impc:ti:add-types-to-source-atom
  (lambda (symname ast types envvars . prev)
    ;; (println 'symname: symname 'ast: ast 'envvars: envvars)
    (cond ((and (symbol? ast)
                (not (string-contains? (symbol->string ast) ":"))
                (impc:ti:polyfunc-exists? (symbol->string ast)))
           (let* ((pname (symbol->string ast))
                  (ts (impc:ti:get-polyfunc-candidate-types pname)))
             (if (= (length ts) 1)
                 (string->symbol (string-append pname "_adhoc_" (cname-encode (impc:ir:get-base-type (impc:ir:pretty-print-type (car ts))))))
                 (impc:compiler:print-compiler-error "Try forcing a type. Ambiguous polymorphic function" ast))))
          ((and (symbol? ast)
                (string-contains? (symbol->string ast) ":")
                (impc:ti:polyfunc-exists? (car (regex:type-split (symbol->string ast) ":"))))
           (let* ((res (regex:type-split (symbol->string ast) ":"))
                  (pname (car res))
                  (ptype (if (impc:ti:typealias-exists? (cadr res))
                             (impc:ir:get-base-type (impc:ir:pretty-print-type (impc:ti:get-typealias-type (cadr res))))
                             (impc:ir:get-base-type (cadr res)))))
             (string->symbol (string-append pname "_adhoc_" (cname-encode ptype)))))
          ((and (symbol? ast)
                (string-contains? (symbol->string ast) ":"))
           (let* ((p (regex:type-split (symbol->string ast) ":"))
                  (ptrs (impc:ir:get-ptr-depth ast))
                  (gpoly? (impc:ti:genericfunc-exists? (string->symbol (car p))))
                  (apoly? (impc:ti:polyfunc-exists? (car p)))
                  (etype (cname-encode (impc:ir:get-base-type (cadr p)))))
             (if gpoly?
                   (if (not (impc:ti:closure-exists? (string-append (car p) "_poly_" etype)))
                       (let* ((arity (impc:ir:get-arity-from-pretty-closure (cadr p)))
                              (ptypes (impc:ti:genericfunc-types (string->symbol (car p)) arity (cadr p)))
                              (tmp (if (not ptypes)
                                       (impc:compiler:print-bad-arity-error ast)))
                              (code (caddr (cadr (impc:ti:genericfunc-types (string->symbol (car p)) arity (cadr p)))))
                              (pfunc (string->symbol (string-append (car p) "_poly_" etype))))
                         ;; pre-populate the closure cache for the new specialised func
                         (if (not (impc:ti:closure-exists? (symbol->string pfunc)))
                             (impc:ti:register-new-closure (symbol->string pfunc)
                         ;; (println 'spec-compile1: pfunc 'code: code)
                         (set! code `(let ((,pfunc ,code)) ,pfunc))
                         (impc:ti:run pfunc code *impc:default-zone-size* #f #f (cons pfunc (string->symbol (cadr p))))
                         (impc:ti:register-new-polyfunc (car p)
                                                        (symbol->string pfunc)
                                                        (impc:ir:get-type-from-pretty-str (cadr p))
                         (impc:ti:initialize-closure-with-new-zone (symbol->string pfunc)
                   (begin ;; (println 'here!)
                     (string->symbol (string-append (car p) "_poly_" etype))))
                 (if apoly?
                     (string->symbol (string-append (car p) "_adhoc_" etype))
                     (impc:compiler:print-missing-identifier-error ast 'variable)))))
          ((and (symbol? ast)
                (string-contains? (symbol->string ast) "##")
                (assoc-strcmp ast types)
                (impc:ti:polyfunc-exists? (impc:ir:get-base-type (symbol->string ast))))
           (let* ((nm (regex:split (symbol->string ast) "##"))
                  (n1 (car nm))
                  (type (cdr (assoc-strcmp ast types)))
                  (ptype (impc:ir:pretty-print-type type))
                  (cn (cname-encode (impc:ir:get-base-type ptype)))
                  (newn (string-append n1 "_adhoc_" cn)))
             (if (not (impc:ti:closure-exists? newn))
                 (impc:compiler:print-compiler-error (string-append "Bad type: " ptype " for polymorphic function " (car nm)) ast))
             (string->symbol newn)))
          ((and (symbol? ast)
                (string-contains? (symbol->string ast) "##")
                (assoc-strcmp ast types))
           (let* ((nm (regex:split (symbol->string ast) "##"))
                  (n1 (car nm))
                  (type (cdr (assoc-strcmp ast types)))
                  (ptype (impc:ir:pretty-print-type type))
                  (cn (cname-encode ptype))
                  (newn (string-append n1 "_poly_" cn)))
             (if (not (impc:ti:closure-exists? newn))
                 (let* ((arity (impc:ir:get-arity-from-pretty-closure ptype))
                        (ptypes (impc:ti:genericfunc-types (string->symbol n1) arity ptype))
                        (tmp (if (not ptypes)
                                 (impc:compiler:print-bad-arity-error ast)))
                        (code (caddr (cadr (impc:ti:genericfunc-types (string->symbol n1) arity ptype))))
                        (pfunc (string->symbol newn)))
                   ;; pre-populate the closure cache for the new specialised func
                   (if (not (impc:ti:closure-exists? (symbol->string pfunc)))
                       (impc:ti:register-new-closure (symbol->string pfunc)
                   ;; (println 'spec-compile2: pfunc 'code: code)
                   (set! code `(let ((,pfunc ,code)) ,pfunc))
                   (impc:ti:run pfunc code *impc:default-zone-size* #f #f (cons pfunc (string->symbol ptype)))
                   (impc:ti:register-new-polyfunc n1
                                                  (symbol->string pfunc)
                                                  (impc:ir:get-type-from-pretty-str ptype)
                   (impc:ti:initialize-closure-with-new-zone (symbol->string pfunc)
             (string->symbol newn)))
          (else ast))))

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