impc:ti:get-var-types   scheme

Defined in:


;; strips pretty-types from source code
;; returns a cons of (the-new-ast any-explicit-types)
(define impc:ti:get-var-types
  (lambda (ast)
    (let* ((types '())
           (f (lambda (ast)
                ;;(print 'ast: ast 'types: types)
                (cond ((null? ast) '())
                      ((atom? ast) ast)
                      ((member (car ast) *impc:lambdaslist*)
                       (list* (car ast) ;; 'lambda
                              (map (lambda (a)
                                     (if (and (list? a)
                                              (eq? (car a) '*colon-hook*))
                                         (impc:compiler:print-double-colon-error (caddr a)))
                                     (if (string-contains? (symbol->string a) ":")
                                         (let ((t (regex:type-split (symbol->string a) ":")))
                                           (if (regex:match? (cadr t) "^\\<|\\[")
                                               (if (not (regex:match? (cadr t) "\\>|\\]"))
                                                   (impc:compiler:print-bad-type-error (cadr t))))
                                           (set! types (cons (cons (string->symbol (car t)) (string->symbol (cadr t))) types))
                                           (string->symbol (car t)))
                                   (cadr ast))
                              (f (cddr ast))))
                      ((member (car ast) *impc:letslist*)
                       (list* (car ast)
                              (map (lambda (a)
                                     (if (or (atom? a)
                                             (null? (cdr a))
                                             (list? (car a))
                                             (> (length (cdr a)) 1))
                                         (impc:compiler:print-badly-formed-expression-error 'let a))
                                     (if (and (list? (car a))
                                              (eq? (car (car a)) '*colon-hook*))
                                         (impc:compiler:print-double-colon-error (caddr (car a))))
                                     (if (string-contains? (symbol->string (car a)) ":")
                                         (let ((t (regex:type-split (symbol->string (car a)) ":")))
                                           (if (regex:match? (cadr t) "^\\<|\\[")
                                               (if (not (regex:match? (cadr t) "\\>|\\]"))
                                                   (impc:compiler:print-bad-type-error (cadr t))))
                                           (set! types (cons (cons (string->symbol (car t)) (string->symbol (cadr t))) types))
                                           (list (string->symbol (car t)) (car (f (cdr a)))))
                                         (list (car a) (car (f (cdr a))))))
                                   (cadr ast))
                              (f (cddr ast))))
                      ((pair? ast)
                       (cons (f (car ast))
                             (f (cdr ast))))))))
      (cons (f ast) types))))

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