impc:ti:print-builtin-cache   scheme

Defined in:


("+" . #("[!v,!v,!v...]*" "addition operator: overload xtm_addition to add support for new types" (arg1 arg2...)))
                                  ("-" . #("[!v,!v,!v...]*" "subtraction operator: overload xtm_subtraction to add support for new types" (arg1 arg2...)))
                                  ("*" . #("[!v,!v,!v...]*" "multiplication operator: overload xtm_multiplication to add support for new types" (arg1 arg2...)))
                                  ("/" . #("[!v,!v,!v...]*" "division operator: overload xtm_division to add support for new types" (arg1 arg2...)))
                                  ("%" . #("[!v,!v,!v]*" "modulo operator: overload xtm_modulo to add support for new types" (arg1 arg2)))
                                  ("set!" . #("[!v,!v,!v]*" "set var to value" (var value)))
                                  ;; pointer/tuple/array/vector set/ref
                                  ("pref" . #("[!v,!v*,i64]*" "pointer-(de)reference" (ptr idx)))
                                  ("pref-ptr" . #("[!v*,!v*,i64]*" "pointer-(de)reference" (ptr idx)))
                                  ("pset!" . #("[!v,!v*,i64,!v]*" "pointer-set" (ptr idx val)))
                                  ("pfill!" . #("[!v,!v*,!v...]*" "pointer-fill fill ptr with values" (ptr v1...)))
                                  ("tref" . #("[!v,!v*,i64]*" "tuple-(de)reference" (tuple idx)))
                                  ("tref-ptr" . #("[!v*,!v*,i64]*" "tuple-(de)reference" (tuple idx)))
                                  ("tset!" . #("[!v,!v*,i64,!v]*" "tuple-set" (tuple idx val)))
                                  ("tfill!" . #("[!v,!v*,!v...]*" "tuple-fill fill tuple with values" (tuple v1...)))
                                  ("aref" . #("[!v,!v*,i64]*" "array-(de)reference" (array idx)))
                                  ("aref-ptr" . #("[!v*,!v*,i64]*" "array-(de)reference" (array idx)))
                                  ("aset!" . #("[!v,!v*,i64,!v]*" "array-set" (array idx val)))
                                  ("afill!" . #("[!v,!v*,!v...]*" "array-fill fill array with values" (array v1...)))
                                  ("vref" . #("[!v,!v*,i64]*" "vector-(de)reference" (vector idx)))
                                  ("vref-ptr" . #("[!v*,!v*,i64]*" "vector-(de)reference" (vector idx)))
                                  ("vset!" . #("[!v,!v*,i64,!v]*" "vector-set" (vector idx val)))
                                  ("vfill!" . #("[!v,!v*,!v...]*" "vector-fill fill vector with values" (vector v1...)))
                                  ;; printing
                                  ("println" . #("[void,!v...]*" "generic print function - to add support for NewType, overload print:[void,NewType]*" (val1...)))
                                  ;; memory allocation
                                  ("alloc" . #("[!v*,i64]*" "allocate memory from current zone with size (optional, default = 1)" (optional-size)))
                                  ("zalloc" . #("[!v*,i64]*" "allocate memory from current zone with size (optional, default = 1)" (optional-size)))
                                  ("halloc" . #("[!v*,i64]*" "allocate memory from the heap with size (optional, default = 1)" (optional-size)))
                                  ("salloc" . #("[!v*,i64]*" "allocate memory from the stack zone with size (optional, default = 1)" (optional-size)))
                                  ;; Extempore runtime stuff
                                  ("callback" . #("[i1,i64,sym,args...]*" "set callback for closure at time with args" (time closure args...)))
                                  ;; special scheme macros
                                  ("call-as-xtlang" . #("[String*,!v]*" "the body of this (scheme) macro will be executed as xtlang" (body)))))
;; language builtins - the cache is just used for documentation at
;; this stage, the actual builtins are handled in the compiler (mostly
;; in first-transform). In the future, however, we could integrate
;; that stuff into the builtin-cache
;; (name . #(type-str docstring args))
;; The other differences between this and the closure-list are that
;; the type is stored as a string rather than a list (so that we can
;; handle weird/overloaded/varargs things nicely for documentation
;; purposes) and also that "body" is replaced by "args"
(define impc:ti:print-builtin-cache
  (lambda ()
    (println '*impc:ti:builtin-cache*: *impc:ti:builtin-cache*)))

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