;; this is here to normalize any recursive tuples
;; i.e. put them in their simplist "named" form
;; you can pass in a a complete list of types
;; at the end and have this normalize them
(define impc:ti:type-normalize
(lambda (t)
(cond ((atom? t) t)
((and (list? t)
(not (null? t))
(not (impc:ir:type? (car t)))
(number? (car t))
;;(= *impc:ir:tuple* (modulo (car t) *impc:ir:pointer*)))
(impc:ir:tuple? (car t)))
;; first check all sub tuples for possible normalization!
(set! t (map (lambda (a) (impc:ti:type-normalize a)) t))
(let ((named-types (cl:remove-if-not string? t)))
(if (null? named-types)
(let ((res (map (lambda (k)
;; (println 'k: k)
(let* ((split (regex:split k "%|(_poly_)"))
(gen-type (if (impc:ti:get-generictype-candidate-types (cadr split))
(symbol->string (impc:ti:get-generictype-candidate-types (cadr split)))
;; (gen-type (symbol->string (impc:ti:get-generictype-candidate-types (cadr split))))
(named-type (impc:ti:get-namedtype-type k))
(domatch? (if (and (list? named-type)
(= (length named-type) (length t)))
#t #f))
(match (if domatch?
(map (lambda (a b)
;; (println 'aa a 'bb b)
(if (equal? a b) #t
(if (and (symbol? a)
(regex:match? gen-type (symbol->string a)))
t ;; type coming in
(list k))))
(if (member #f match) #f k)))
(set! res (cl:remove-if-not string? res))
(if (null? res)
(impc:ti:type-normalize (cdr t))
(if (car res)
(car res)
((pair? t)
(cons (impc:ti:type-normalize (car t))
(impc:ti:type-normalize (cdr t)))))))