make-metro   scheme

Defined in:


;; creates a metronome object
;; metro is basically a linear function that returns
;; a time in absolute samples when given a time in beats.
;; metro is instantiated with a starting tempo.
;; you can call the metro with the following symbols
;; 'get-time ; which is also the default
;; 'get-beat
;; 'get-tempo
;; 'set-tempo
;; 'get-cycle
;; 'set-cycle
;; 'pos
;; 'dur
(define make-metro
  (lambda (start-tempo . args)
    (let* ((offset (if (null? args) (now) (caar args)))
           (cycle 4)
           (mark offset)
           (loffset 0.0)
           (total-beats (if (null? args) 0 (cdar args)))
           (cycle-beats total-beats)
           (g-tempo (/ 60 start-tempo))
           (beat-pos (lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2)
                       (let* ((m (if (= 0 (- x2 x1)) 0 (/ (- y2 y1) (- x2 x1))))
                              (c (- y1 (* m x1))))
                         (lambda (time)
                           (+ (* time m) c)))))
           (beat-env (beat-pos mark total-beats (+ mark (* g-tempo *au:samplerate*)) (+ total-beats 1)))
           (samp-env (beat-pos total-beats mark (+ total-beats 1) (+ mark (* g-tempo *au:samplerate*)))))
      (lambda (sym . args)
        (cond ((number? sym)
               (+ (samp-env sym) loffset))
              ((equal? sym 'get-mark)
               (cons mark total-beats))
              ((equal? sym 'get-time)
               (+ (samp-env (car args)) loffset)) ;mark))
              ((equal? sym 'get-cycle) cycle)
              ((equal? sym 'get-cycle-mark) cycle-beats)
              ((equal? sym 'set-cycle)
               (set! cycle-beats (cadr args))
               (set! cycle (car args)))
              ((equal? sym 'pos) (modulo (- (car args) cycle-beats) cycle))
              ((equal? sym 'beat-at-time) (rational->real (beat-env (car args))))
              ((equal? sym 'set-tempo)
               (let ((time (if (null? (cdr args)) (now) (cadr args))))
                 (if (or (null? (cdr args))
                         (null? (cddr args)))
                     (set! total-beats
                           (+ total-beats (/ (- time mark)
                                             (* *au:samplerate* g-tempo))))
                     (set! total-beats (caddr args)))
                 (set! g-tempo (/ 60 (car args)))
                 (set! mark time)
                 (set! samp-env (beat-pos total-beats
                                          (+ total-beats 1)
                                          (+ mark (* g-tempo *au:samplerate*))))
                 (set! beat-env (beat-pos mark
                                          (+ mark (* g-tempo *au:samplerate*))
                                          (+ total-beats 1)))
                 (car args)))
              ((equal? sym 'get-tempo) (* (/ 1 g-tempo) 60))
              ((equal? sym 'dur) (* *au:samplerate* g-tempo (car args)))
              ((equal? sym 'push) (set! loffset (+ loffset 256)))
              ((equal? sym 'pull) (set! loffset (- loffset 256)))
              ((equal? sym 'get-beat)
               (let ((val (+ total-beats
                             (/ (- (now) mark)
                                (* *au:samplerate* g-tempo))))
                     (quantize (if (null? args) 1.0 (car args))))
                 (real->rational (+ val (- quantize (modulo val quantize))))))
              (else 'bad-method-name))))))

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