; MKCHORDIATONIC // 1-based (= tonic)
; Returns a diatonic chord based on a major or minor scale.
; Wrapper around pc:diatonic, which returns a chord as a list of pitch classes, hence it can't be played right away.
; Args:
; root
; mode (major or minor)
; degree (either as symbols, or via an integer)
; NOTE: integer degrees permit to go above 8
; Examples:
; (mkchordiatonic 60 '^ 'iii) ;; (64 67 71)
; (mkchordiatonic 60 '^ 3) ;; (64 67 71)
; (mkchordiatonic 60 '^ 1) ;; (60 64 67)
; (mkchordiatonic 60 'M 8) ;; (72 76 79)
(define mkchordiatonic
(lambda (root mode degree)
(if (not (member mode *diatonic_modes*))
(println 'Error: 'modes 'allowed: *diatonic_modes*)
(if= mode 'M (set! mode '^))
(if= mode 'm (set! mode '-))