; make a scale from a scale step - 1-based (= tonic)
; Makes a scale and allows passing an pitch value to transpose it
; The pitch value is used to get a new note from the pitch class.
; IE Combines mkscale and pc:relative
; TODO more testing needed
; Args:
; root [eg: 60]
; reldegree [eg: int, positive or negative]
; mode [eg: 'ionian]
; num-notes [eg: 1]
; Example:
; (mkscale 60 'ionian 3) ;; '(60 62 64)
; (mkscalestep 60 0 'ionian 3) ;; '(60 62 64)
; (mkscalestep 60 2 'ionian 3) ;; '(64 66 68) => take 2nd pitch from ionian pitch class, get note and start new scale from that note
(define mkscalestep
(lambda (root step . args)
(if (= step 0 ) (set! step 1))
(cond ((length-equal? args 1)
;; 1 arg = just the scale symbol / len default=8
(:mkscale (pc:relative root (- step 1) (pc:scale root (car args))) (car args) 8))
((length-equal? args 2)
;; 2 arg = scale symbol and len
(:mkscale (pc:relative root (- step 1) (pc:scale root (car args))) (car args) (cadr args)))
(else (print 'Error: 'arguments 'could 'not 'be 'resolved.)))))