mu:test   macro

Defined in:


;; Test MIDI channel with a note 
;; both with/without time abstractions
;; Variable num of args
;; MIDI channel is 1-based
;; IMPORTANT need *mididevice*  to be predefined 
; Example:
; (define *mididevice* (pm_create_output_stream 1))
; (mu:test 38) ; MIDI channel defaults to 1
   (define-macro (mu:test . args)
      (cond ((length-equal? args 1) ;; just note
            `(play-midi-note (now) *mididevice* ,(car args) 80 *second* 0))
            ((length-equal? args 2) ; note and midi ch
            `(play-midi-note (now) *mididevice* ,(car args)  80 *second* (- ,(cadr args) 1)))
            ((length-equal? args 3) ;; also mididevice
            `(play-midi-note (now) ,(car args) ,(cadr args)  80 *second* (- ,(caddr args) 1))) 
            (#t (print 'Error: '1 'or '3 'args' 'max))))

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