;; select pitch from pitch class relative to a given pitch
;; 1st: bass pitch
;; 2nd: pc relationship to bass pitch (max is abs 7)
;; 3rd: pitch class
;; example:
;; (pc:relative 64 -2 '(0 2 4 5 7 9 11)) => 60
;; (pc:relative 69 3 '(0 2 4 5 7 9 11)) => 74
(define pc:relative
(lambda (pitch i pc)
(set! i (real->integer (round i)))
(if (= i 0) pitch
(let ((cnt_op (if (negative? i) - +)))
(let loop ((p (cnt_op pitch 1)) (cnt 0))
(if (pc:? p pc) (set! cnt (cnt_op cnt 1)))
(if (= cnt i) p
(loop (cnt_op p 1) cnt)))))))