;-------------------------------Identity Phase Locking Phase vocoder-------------------------------------------------
(bind-func phase_vocoder_iPL
(lambda (buffer_size:i64)
(let ((idx:i64 0)
(spectrum_size:i64 (+ (/ buffer_size 2) 1))
(peaks_size:i64 (ftoi64 (ceil (/ (i64tof spectrum_size) 3.0)))) ; Assuming peak is greater than 4 neighbours
(prev_in_phase:float* (zalloc spectrum_size)) ;Need to init this to 0
(prev_out_phase:float* (zalloc spectrum_size)) ;Need to init this to 0
(omega_k:float* (zalloc spectrum_size)) ;The center frequency of the kth vocoder channel
(unity_mag:float* (zalloc spectrum_size)))
(dotimes (idx (+ (/ buffer_size 2) 1))
(pset! prev_in_phase idx 0.0)
(pset! prev_out_phase idx 0.0)
(pset! omega_k idx (/ (* TWOPIf (i64tof idx))
(i64tof buffer_size)))
(pset! unity_mag idx 1.0))
(lambda (buffer:float* Sa:i64 Ss:i64)
(let ((temp_buff:float* (salloc buffer_size))
(wn:float* (salloc buffer_size))
(spectrum:Complexf* (salloc spectrum_size))
(mag:float* (salloc spectrum_size))
(phase:float* (salloc spectrum_size))
(delta_phi:float* (salloc spectrum_size))
(k:float* (salloc spectrum_size))
(delta_phi_adjust:float* (salloc spectrum_size))
(inst_freq:float* (salloc spectrum_size))
(synth_phase:float* (salloc spectrum_size))
(n:i64 0)
(l:i64 0)
(num_peaks:i64 0)
(peaks_array:i64* (salloc peaks_size))
(region_lower:i64* (salloc peaks_size))
(region_upper:i64* (salloc peaks_size))
(theta:float* (salloc spectrum_size))
(Z:Complexf* (salloc spectrum_size))
(spectrum_polar:Complexf* (salloc spectrum_size)))
(hanning_window_func wn buffer_size)
(vvmul buffer wn buffer_size temp_buff) ;Apply window function
(vrotate temp_buff buffer_size (/ buffer_size 2)) ;Circular shift the windowed frame
(fft temp_buff spectrum buffer_size) ;Compute the DFT of windowed frame
(dotimes (n spectrum_size) ;Compute the magnitude spectrum
(pset! mag n (Complex_mag (pref spectrum n))))
(dotimes (n spectrum_size) ;Compute the phase spectrum
(pset! phase n (Complex_phase2 (pref spectrum n))))
(set! num_peaks (find_peaks mag spectrum_size peaks_array region_lower region_upper)) ;Find the peaks and region limits in the magnitude spectrum
(cond ((> num_peaks 0)
(dotimes (n num_peaks)
;Unwrap the phase at each peak
(pset! delta_phi n (- (pref phase (pref peaks_array n))
(pref prev_in_phase (pref peaks_array n))
(* (i64tof Sa) (pref omega_k (pref peaks_array n))))) ;Calculate the Instantaneous Phase
(pset! k n (round (/ (pref delta_phi n) TWOPIf)))
(pset! delta_phi_adjust n (- (pref delta_phi n)
(* (pref k n) TWOPIf))) ;Adjust to -pi<phase<pi
(pset! inst_freq n (+ (pref omega_k (pref peaks_array n)) (/ (pref delta_phi_adjust n) (i64tof Sa)))) ;Calculate the Instantaneous Frequency
(pset! synth_phase n (+ (pref prev_out_phase (pref peaks_array n)) (* (i64tof Ss) (pref inst_freq n)))) ;Calculate the new Synthesis phase
(dotimes (l (+ 1 (- (pref region_upper n) (pref region_lower n)))) ;Calculate the rotation angle (theta)
(pset! theta (+ l (pref region_lower n)) (- (pref synth_phase n) (pref phase (pref peaks_array n))))))
(Complex_bufferize unity_mag theta Z spectrum_size) ;Calculate Phasor (Z=e^i*theta)
(Complex_bufferize mag phase spectrum_polar spectrum_size)
(Complex_multiplication_polar Z spectrum_polar spectrum spectrum_size) ;Apply the Phasor to all channels in the region of the peak
(dotimes (n spectrum_size) ;Set previous input and output phase ready for next frame
(pset! prev_in_phase n (pref phase n))
(pset! prev_out_phase n (tref (pref-ptr spectrum n) 1))))
(Complex_bufferize mag phase spectrum spectrum_size)))
(if (= speed 1.0) ;out=in at speed of 1
(dotimes (n spectrum_size)
(pset! synth_phase n (pref phase n)))
(Complex_bufferize mag synth_phase spectrum spectrum_size)))
(pol_to_cart2 spectrum spectrum_size) ;Convert from polar back to cartesian
(ifft spectrum temp_buff buffer_size) ;take the real part of iFFT
(vsdiv temp_buff (i64tof buffer_size) buffer_size temp_buff) ;this could be changed to a dotimes
(vrotate temp_buff buffer_size (/ buffer_size 2)) ;Circular shift the time domain Output
(vvmul temp_buff wn buffer_size buffer) ;Apply output window function
void))))) ;Overlap and add this to the output