(define impc:ir:compiler:closure-ref
(lambda (ast types . hint?)
;; arg 1 must be a closure
;; arg 2 must be a string
;; arg 3 MAY be a type string or NULL
(let* ((os (make-string 0))
(num (number->string (llvm:count++)))
(closure-str (if (and (symbol? (cadr ast))
(impc:ti:closure-exists? (symbol->string (cadr ast))))
(impc:ir:compiler:closure-from-getter (symbol->string (cadr ast)))
(impc:ir:compiler (cadr ast) types)))
(closure (impc:ir:gname))
(type-str (impc:ir:compiler (if (null? (cadddr ast))
(if (null? hint?)
(log-error 'Compiler 'Error: 'could 'not 'discern 'ref 'type 'for
(string-append (symbol->string (cadr ast)) "." (caddr ast))
'please 'provide 'explicit 'type 'i.e. '(f.name:<type>))
(impc:ir:get-type-str (car hint?)))
(cadddr ast))
(type (impc:ir:gname))
;; (name-str (impc:ir:compiler (caddr ast) types))
;; (name (impc:ir:gname))
(valtype (if (null? (cadddr ast)) (impc:ir:get-type-str (car hint?)) (cadddr ast))))
(emit "\n; closure ref \n" os)
;; (emit "call ccc void @llvm_print_i32(i32 123)\n" os)
(emit closure-str os)
;; (emit name-str os)
(emit type-str os)