(bind-func post:XTMRENDERCB
(let ((image:VGImage (xtm_load_vgimage "assets/images/image.png"))
(pathl (xtm_create_path))
(pathr (xtm_create_path))
(fill (vgCreatePaint))
(fill_color:xtm_color* (alloc))
(stroke (vgCreatePaint))
(point:XTM_Point2d* (alloc))
(stroke_color_left:xtm_color* (alloc))
(stroke_color_right:xtm_color* (alloc))
(clear_color:xtm_color* (alloc)))
(afill! fill_color 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
(afill! stroke_color_left 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
(afill! stroke_color_right 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0)
(afill! clear_color 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
(xtm_paint_set_fill fill fill_color)
;; (xtm_paint_set_stroke stroke_left stroke_color_left 10.)
;; (xtm_paint_set_stroke stroke_right stroke_color_right 10.)
(lambda (frame shader m v p data)
(let ((i:float 0.0) (k 0)
(ids:i64* (kinect_get_tracked)))
(xtm_vg_clear (convert width) (convert height) clear_color)
;; draw image
(if (null? image) void (vgDrawImage image))
;; create the path (using the add_circle closure)
(dotimes (k 6)
(if (> (pref ids k) 0)
(let ((left (kinect_get_hand_left (pref ids k)))
(right (kinect_get_hand_right (pref ids k))))
;; draw right
(kinect_get_joint_xy (pref ids k) JointType_HandRight point)
(afill! fill_color 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0)
(xtm_paint_set_stroke stroke stroke_color_left 10.)
(if (> right 1)
(if (> right 2) (afill! fill_color 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0))
(xtm_paint_set_fill fill fill_color)
(xtm_add_ellipse pathr (tref point 0) (- height (tref point 1)) 50.0 50.0)))
(xtm_draw_path_keep pathr)
(xtm_clear_path pathr)
;; draw left
(kinect_get_joint_xy (pref ids k) JointType_HandLeft point)
(afill! fill_color 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0)
(xtm_paint_set_stroke stroke stroke_color_right 10.)
(if (> left 1)
(if (> left 2) (afill! fill_color 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0))
(xtm_paint_set_fill fill fill_color)
(xtm_add_ellipse pathl (tref point 0) (- height (tref point 1)) 50.0 50.0)))
(xtm_draw_path_keep pathl)
(xtm_clear_path pathl))))
;; print any openvg errors