;; notice how the version (complexity) parameter in qr_create is
;; random, so you'll get a different complexity QR code each time you
;; re-evaluate
(bind-func post:XTMRENDERCB
(let ((code (qr_create (String "http://benswift.me") (random 10:i32)))
(size (QRcode_size code))
(dim (/ height (convert size)))
(i 0) (j 0)
;; path & color setup
(fill_color:xtm_color* (alloc))
(clear_color:xtm_color* (alloc)))
(afill! clear_color 0. 0. 0. 1.)
(lambda (frame shader m v p data)
(let ((path (xtm_create_path))
(fill (vgCreatePaint)))
(xtm_vg_clear (convert width) (convert height) clear_color)
;; mess with the fill/stroke parameters to change colours
;; loop over the QR code data, adding a rects to the path
(dotimes (i size)
(dotimes (j size)
(if (QRcode_pixel code i j)
(let ((v (+ .5 (* .5 (cos (* STWOPI 0.1 (/ (convert frame) 10.)))))))
(afill! fill_color
(% (+ v 0.1) 1.)
(% (+ v 0.7) 1.)
(% (+ v 0.2) 1.)
(xtm_paint_set_fill fill fill_color)
(xtm_add_rect path
(+ (/ (- width height) 2.)
(* (convert i) dim))
(* (convert j) dim)
dim dim)))))
;; draw the path
(xtm_fill_path path)
;; clean up
(xtm_destroy_paint fill)