;; a 'recorder' unit gen
(bind-func static recorder
(lambda (buf:AudioBuffer*)
(let ((rec 0) ;; where rec is the number of 'frames' to record
(prec 0) ;; previous value of rec
(chans (AudioBuffer_channels buf))
(chan 0)
(lgth (* chans (AudioBuffer_frames buf)))
(l1 (- lgth 1))
(rhead 0)
(phead 0)
(pos 0)
(t 0)
(dat (AudioBuffer_ptr buf 0 0))
(start 0) ;; loop start in frames
(loop 0) ;; loop length in frames (negative plays backwards)
(ploop 0)) ;; previous loop value
(lambda (x)
(if (<> prec rec) (set! rhead 0))
(if (> rec 0)
(begin (pset! dat rhead x)
(set! rhead (+ 1 rhead))
(if (= chan 0) (set! rec (- rec 1)))
(if (= rhead lgth) (set! rec 0)))
(begin (set! rhead 0)))
(if (<> ploop loop) (set! phead 0))
(if (<> loop 0)
(set! pos (+ (* start chans) phead))
(if (or (< pos 0) (> pos l1))
(set! x x) ;; (i.e. don't pref if bad index)
(set! x (pref dat pos)))
(set! phead (+ phead (if (< loop 0) -1 1)))
(if (= phead (* chans loop)) (set! phead 0))))
;; (if (= 0 (% t (* chans SR)))
;; (println "rec:" rec "loop:" loop "start:" start "rhead:" rhead "phead:" phead))
(set! chan (+ chan 1))
(if (= chan chans) (set! chan 0))
(set! t (+ t 1))
(set! ploop loop)
(set! prec rec)