;; a rough and ready granulator
;; expects to work on 'n' channels
;; see examples/external/granular.xtm
;; or examples/core/granular.xtm
;; more expensive than linear
(bind-func static granulator_hermite_c
(lambda (channels)
(let ((idx 0)
(iot 2000)
(iotn 100000000) ;; we want a grain right at the start
(dlo 5000.0)
(dhi 5000.0)
(rlo 1.0)
(rhi 1.0)
(plo 0.5)
(phi 0.5)
(alo 0.2)
(ahi 0.2)
(wet 1.0)
(PI2:double (* 2.0 3.141592))
(gidx 0)
(offset 0)
(y1 0.0) (x0 0.0) (x1 0.0) (x2 0.0)
(out:SAMPLE 0.0) (i 0)
(cachesize:i64 (* 88200 2 channels))
(cnt cachesize)
(audio_cache:SAMPLE* (alloc cachesize))
(lengths:|200,double|* (alloc))
(durations:|200,double|* (alloc))
(phases:|200,double|* (alloc))
(startidx:|200,i64|* (alloc))
(amps:|200,float|* (alloc))
(rates:|200,double|* (alloc))
(panning:|200,float|* (alloc))
(active:|200,i1|* (alloc)))
(dotimes (i 200) (aset! active i 0))
(lambda (chan time:i64 in)
(set! iotn (+ iotn 1))
(pset! audio_cache (% cnt cachesize) in)
(if (and (>= iotn iot)
(= chan 0))
(set! iotn 0)
(aset! active gidx 1)
(aset! lengths gidx (+ dlo (* (- dhi dlo) (random))))
(aset! amps gidx (+ alo (* (- ahi alo) (random))))
(aset! panning gidx (+ plo (* (- phi plo) (random))))
(aset! durations gidx (aref lengths gidx))
(aset! rates gidx (+ rlo (* (- rhi rlo) (random))))
(set! offset
(if (> (aref rates gidx) 1.0)
(+ 128
(* channels (dtoi64 (floor (- (* (aref rates gidx)
(aref lengths gidx))
(aref lengths gidx))))))
(aset! startidx gidx (% (- cnt offset) cachesize))
(aset! phases gidx 0.0)
(set! gidx (% (+ gidx 1) 200))))
(set! cnt (+ cnt 1))
(set! out 0.0)
(dotimes (i 200)
(if (= 1:i1 (aref active i))
(set! idx (+ (aref startidx i)
(* channels (dtoi64 (floor (aref phases i))))))
(set! y1 (pref audio_cache (% (- idx channels) cachesize)))
(set! x0 (pref audio_cache (% idx cachesize)))
(set! x1 (pref audio_cache (% (+ idx channels) cachesize)))
(set! x2 (pref audio_cache (% (+ idx (* 2 channels)) cachesize)))
(set! out (+ out
(* (aref amps i)
(dtof (* 0.5 (- 1.0 (cos (* PI2 (/ (aref durations i) (aref lengths i)))))))
(panner chan (aref panning i))
(hermite_interp (dtof (modulo (aref phases i) 1.0)) y1 x0 x1 x2))))
(if (= chan 0)
(aset! phases i (+ (aref phases i) (aref rates i)))
(aset! durations i (- (aref durations i) (aref rates i)))))
(if (< (aref durations i) 8.0)
(aset! active i 0)
(+ (* (- 1.0 wet) in)
(* wet out))))))